E participants for e MotorCross event are split into 2 teams.. E team <飘移> is lead by Daren,which include Jiaying, Lingyi and another guy(dunno who he is..).. Another team
Then,it's jiaying turn to race.. We cheered for her!! Yeah!! 1st lap was a smooth one for her but at e 2nd lap, she fell from e bike right in front of me sia.. Really scary sia.. But she stand up, get back on e bike and continue wif her race!! Woo~ But jiaying's fall is not e worse fall of all.. haha.. E worst fall was by Nat!! Wah biang.. He tried to kill me and joyce sia.. haha.. Cos Nat was driving very fast and suddenly, Nat fell and e bike knock down e tyres(for safety purposes) and fly off e track right in front of me and joyce!! haha.. E both of us very stunned la.. E bike almost ran us down la.. haha.. Ok.. Final, It's Diya's turn!! Woohoo~ Diya's performance was fast and steady sia!! And she look so cool on e bike!! haha.. And Diya's opponent is Daren!! Woo~ Diya was leading Daren by 1 lap in e beginning.. But at e last lap, it's was a close fight between Diya and Daren.. When Diya was about to approach e finishing point, something happened.. I think her bike got stuck or something.. And Daren caught up wif her!! And Diya jus heck care and drag e bike out and continue e race.. And she won!! Woohoo~ haha..
After e race, e contestants was interviewed by some reporters and so on.. E contestants oso sign autogrph for their supporters and so on.. After a while, they gonna rush off.. So after Diya and Jiaying left,me and joyce went to get some drinks and sat down for quite a long chat before going home.. haha.. Ok.. Gonna end here.. haha.. Pics time!!

Diya look so cool in this attire!!

E 2 good sisters fighting sia.. haha..


After e race..

Jiaying and me!! Woo~

Diya signing autograph for other supporters!!

That's wat jiaying wrote for me.. haha..
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